Please Verify You Are Human: AI-Assisted Phishing
August 23, 2024
It’s no secret that artificial intelligence (AI) has been the talk of the town for the
Continue readingRise of Cybercrimes and Anti-Fraud Efforts
August 16, 2024
In July 2024, the Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists (ACAMS) issued a
Continue readingYou have a new (malicious) secure email!
August 8, 2024
When attackers find something that works, unfortunately, they will happily keep using it to
Continue readingEvent Logging: The Foundation of Security and Compliance
July 25, 2024
Event logs can be generated from most IT infrastructure including firewalls, Intrusion Detection and
Continue readingSimple Sanity Checks
July 18, 2024
We all know that security testing is important, and many assessments can be extensive. The good news is
Continue readingRansomware Self-Assessment Tool Version 2
January 26, 2024
The Conference of State Bank Supervisors (CSBS) recently released the Ransomware Self-Assessment Tool version
Continue readingZero-days Are Becoming More Zero
January 11, 2024
Zero-day vulnerabilities are vulnerabilities for which no patch is yet available and therefore the hardware or
Continue readingFile Share "Surfing
January 5, 2024
Regularly “surfing” through file shares with an account that has the least privilege can be an eye-opening exercise
Continue readingLocal Administrators
December 27, 2023
It’s daunting to have to secure all the layers of your network and devices, and an important measure toward your
Continue readingWindows Hello for Business - Ready for Primetime?
December 21, 2023
We recently had a client ask us if Microsoft Windows Hello for Business (WHFB) is a good replacement for
Continue readingWordPress Vulnerability Fix
December 15, 2023
If your organization is one of the millions that uses WordPress for hosting its websites, take heed to a
Continue readingCitrix Bleed Exploitation - Be Proactive to Help Shield Your Organization From Attacks
December 8, 2023
We want to draw your attention to the recent ransomware attack on a third-party IT service provider
Continue readingMicrosoft Automatically Deploying MFA Policies
30, 2023
Microsoft has started automatically deploying Microsoft-managed conditional access policies that may impact
Continue readingCitrix Bleed Vulnerability
November 2, 2023
Citrix NetScaler ADC and NetScaler Gateway products have been in the news recently regarding a critical
Continue readingCybersecurity Awareness Month
October 12, 2023
In an effort to support Cybersecurity Awareness Month, 10-D Security has developed a quick, online training called, “Spot the Phish”....
Continue readingWanted: Information Security Officer
October 6, 2023
Looking for a new Information Security Officer? What skill sets should be considered? As information security professionals, we are often asked by our clients about the basic skill sets to look for when hiring a new....
Continue readingHere Comes Passkeys!
September 29, 2023
The next version of Windows 11 (23H2) due October 2023 adds support for passkeys. Google also added passkey support for Google accounts back in May of this year and many popular websites allow you to utilize this feature as well. So, what are passkeys?....
Continue readingSecurity Incident Notification Rule and Service Providers
September 21, 2023
Back in November of 2021, the OCC, FRB, and FDIC jointly issued a final rule requiring banking organizations to notify their respective regulators within 36 hours of a declared computer-security incident....
Continue readingPig Butchering – What to Know About this Virtual Currency Scam & FinCEN Alert FIN-2023-Alert005
September 14, 2023
The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), on September 8, 2023, issued a critical alert (FIN-2023-Alert005) regarding a prevalent virtual currency investment scam known as "Pig Butchering". This alert serves as a warning....
Continue readingStandard Password Complexity Rules Just Don’t Cut It Anymore
September 7, 2023
Microsoft Active Directory has had password complexity requirements built-in for a long time. Most administrators are familiar with the standard settings. You can set a minimum length....
Continue readingYOU ARE 10-D’s BEST CLIENT(S)
August 31, 2023
At 10-D, we appreciate you, our clients! We truly enjoy working with you and our partnership. To share some of the reasons we appreciate all of you....
Continue readingEverybody is talking about disclosure rules…
August 24, 2023
Ok, maybe not everybody, but the SEC and NCUA have been! The SEC recently adopted rules for disclosure ....
Continue readingCloud Solutions – Vendor Management to Security Management
August 17, 2023
Proper due diligence of your vendors is an important part of your information security program. When one of your vendors is also a cloud....
Continue readingThe Next Best Seller? FFIEC BSA Exam Manual Updates
August 10, 2023
It’s been a hot minute, but last week the FFIEC rolled out updates to BSA/AML Examination Manual. For those playing at home....
Continue readingMFA Notification Fatigue Attacks
August 3, 2023
I can still recall my first horror movie starring a werewolf. The bad news was that a scary monster was coming. The good news, there was a way to definitively stop it....
Continue readingCybersafe Travel
July 27, 2023
Whether you are traveling for business or going on vacation, information security should always be part of the itinerary. Here are several tips to ensure you....
Continue readingIT Asset Management – It helps secure your environment and saves you money!
July 13, 2023
We’re going to revisit something we sent out a few years back, because it’s good to periodically reinforce the (sometimes boring) fundamentals, such as asset managementy....
Continue readingBackups
July 6, 2023
As enforced by guidance and in some cases regulation, the expectation exists that institutions follow the CIA triad of “confidentiality, integrity, and availability....
Continue readingThe Rockets' Red Glare
June 29, 2023
10-D hopes you have an awesome 4th of July! Enjoy your time with family and friends, take in a parade, chow on some BBQ and strawberry shortcake....
Continue readingHave your findings been remediated appropriately?
June 15, 2023
Over the past several months, we have received an increasing number of requests to review the remediation of the findings from our audits and assessments....
Continue readingSecurity Toolbox: Steganography
June 8, 2023
Steganography, simply put, is the art of hiding information within an object. That object could be a picture....
Continue readingImportance of Disabling Legacy Applications Such as Internet Explorer
June 1, 2023
"Legacy” applications are products that are no longer being supported and therefore are not releasing any updates. When an application....
Continue readingTo Reopen or Not to Reopen, That is the Question!
May 25, 2023
It may have been a long time since any of us read Hamlet in high school English class, but the line, “To be or not to be”, remains one of the most quoted from all of William Shakespeare’s plays....
Continue readingMicrosoft 365 Security Review Observations
May 11, 2023
Here are a few items of note that keep popping up in Microsoft 365 Security Assessments with our clients....
Continue readingThe New Era of "Disclosing Isn't Enough"
May 4, 2023
By now, perhaps you have read the FDIC FIL-19-2023 and OCC Bulletin 2023-12 both dated April 26, 2023, addressing “authorize positive, settle negative” (APSN) transactions and representment fees....
Continue readingBackup versus Archive – What’s the difference?
April 27, 2023
You’re doing periodic backups of all your critical data and systems. Those backup data sets have a defined retention period, which means data will not be available after the expiration date of the backup set....
Continue readingIts 4/20 - Still Dazed and Confused?
April 20, 2023
It’s 4/20 and our certified cannabis banking professional (CCBP) auditors love to use this day to refresh everyone on how the marijuana landscape has changed....
Continue readingAre You Changing Your Backup Tool Set?
April 13, 2023
Backup and recovery software for Windows infrastructure has significantly evolved over the last number of years. Occasionally, you may have a need to....
Continue readingCome On Now... Tell the Truth
April 6, 2023
Remember that game show “To Tell the Truth”? Three contestants all claim to be the same person – one is telling the truth but the other two are imposters? Then a panel had to guess who was really telling....
Continue readingIt's Like Déjà Vu All Over Again
March 23, 2023
Yogi Berra was probably more well known for his nonsensical expressions than his play on the baseball field – but who doesn’t like a good Yogi-ism? I mean, if anyone know what the feeling....
Continue readingA Non-Technical Look at Patch Management (Part 2 of 2)
March 16, 2023
This is the second part of a 2 part series on understanding patch management and vulnerability scan results. Last week, we looked at the complexity of patch management....
Continue readingA Non-Technical Look at Patch Management (Part 1 of 2)
March 9, 2023
At 10-D Security, we perform a lot of vulnerability scans. An internal vulnerability scan is an essential part of helping our clients identify if their patch management (or vulnerability management) process is working. The resulting reports are detailed, technical, and have a lot of numbers....
Continue readingCyber Incidents and the NCUA - WST
February 23, 2023
Effective September 1, 2023, federally insured credit unions must notify the NCUA within 72 hours, after it reasonably believes that a reportable cyber incident has occurred....
Continue readingOCC Issues Revisions to Fair Lending Booklet - WST
February 16, 2023
On January 12, 2023, the OCC released revisions to the “Fair Lending” booklet of the Comptrollers Handbook....
Continue readingSweet Relief: OCC Announces Changes to HMDA Data Reporting Requirements/Examination Practices - WST
February 9, 2023
On February 1st, the OCC issued a bulletin (2023-5) to inform affected banks and OCC agency examining personnel that the loan origination threshold for reporting HMDA data....
Continue readingThink before you click... - WST
February 2, 2023
Phishing emails are becoming more realistic, and it is important to know what to look for and to be on the lookout. Certain things to review in emails to confirm legitimacy can be....
Continue readingLock It Down! - WST
January 26, 2023
Whether it’s our homes, our cars, or our bicycles, we know if we truly want to keep our valuables, we need to lock them up. Leaving ourselves exposed may not always lead to problems....
Continue readingPassword Managers and the LastPass Breach - WST
January 19, 2023
Keeping track of your various passwords these days is nothing to scoff at. The ubiquitous solution to password generation and storage has been password managers where you only need to remember a single, complex password....
Continue readingIn This Economy?? - WST
January 12, 2023
Just as inflation has changed many things for all of us in the last year, we see that even regulations are not immune to adjustments due to changes in the Consumer Price Index. The following changes....
Continue readingThe Infamous Excel Password File - WST
January 5, 2023
If you’ve been in the IT world as long as we have, you will remember a time when storing passwords in an Excel spreadsheet was not only the norm, but also considered relatively safe when combined with NTFS....
Continue readingIdentity Management – Know Your Environment, Know your Users - WST
December 28, 2022
Managing and supporting all the identities used by an organization is often a daunting task, but it is critical to understand and control all the various accounts in your....
Continue readingCritical Patch Available for FortiGate Firewalls - WST
December 12, 2022
Fortinet just published details of a vulnerability that could allow remote code execution by an attacker (without any authentication) through FortiGate firewalls that have....
Continue readingAdd-ins and Consent - WST
December 7, 2022
Continued advancement of programming knowledge is making it easier for just about anyone capable of understanding a programming language at a basic level to create applications. This includes add-ins meant to enhance....
Continue readingVendor Management - A Key Component in Risk Management - WST
December 1, 2022
When it comes to your Information Security Program (ISP), you own it! However, not everything in your ISP is within your direct control. That is why good vendor management....
Continue readingI Can Pillage Your Castle Without Climbing the Walls - WST
November 17, 2022
One trend we have noticed in our Penetration Tests is the difficulty of getting a presence on internal networks has gone up over the past few years. Many organizations have implemented....
Continue readingJunk Fees - The Newest Catch Phrase - WST
November 10, 2022
Over the past few months, more headlines are circulating, and consumer protection groups are speaking out against the assessment of fees that confuse or deceive consumers or take advantage of a situation – aka “junk fees”....
Continue readingOCC News - Office of Financial Technology - WST
November 3, 2022
The OCC announced last week that it is launching a new Office of Financial Technology in early 2023. With the rapid expansion in the technology space....
Continue readingDo you really think it's a good idea to post that? - WST
October 27, 2022
We know as an Information Security Officer you can’t be there at the moment when someone from your organization is making a decision that could impact the safety and security of your data....
Continue readingNew Update – FFIEC’s Cybersecurity Resource Guide for Financial Institutions - WST
October 20, 2022
Ransomware is an ever-growing concern for all organizations, and likely isn’t going away any time soon....
Continue readingEnd of General Support: VMware ESXi 6.5 & 6.7 - WST
October 13, 2022
VMware will end extended support for VMware ESXi versions 6.5 and 6.7, on Saturday, October 15, 2022. More information on this end of support is available at...
Continue readingTwo New Zero-Day Vulnerabilities Affecting On-Premises Microsoft Exchange Server - WST
October 5, 2022
On September 29, 2022, Microsoft reported investigating two zero-day vulnerabilities impacting Microsoft Exchange 2013, 2016, and 2019. Microsoft is reporting attacks...
Continue readingDisaster Preparedness - Helping Your Customers Prepare, Recover, and Rebuild - WST
Sept 28, 2022
In the span of less than 2 weeks, the US will deal with two significant hurricanes causing substantial destruction and even more anxiety about recovering. Much of 10-D’s staff have...
Continue readingIt's Not Just GLBA Any More - WST
Sept 22, 2022
On August 11, 2022, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau released Consumer Financial Protection Circular 2022 – 04 titled “Insufficient Data Protection or Security for Sensitive Consumer Information”...
Continue readingWhat's an Immutable Backup? - WST
Sept 14, 2022
Ransomware resiliency is still top of mind because attackers are getting better at their game. Once access is gained into a network...
Continue readingSystem Administration: Inheriting Legacy Systems - WST
Sept 8, 2022
Many of us who have worked as system administrators have had the privilege of inheriting established systems that have been in service for many years...
Continue readingMicrosoft 365: Deprecating Basic Authentication in Exchange Online - WST
Sept 1, 2022
If you are administering Microsoft 365 and Exchange Online for your organization, you may remember that Microsoft announced in September 2021 that they are deprecating support...
Continue readingZero-Day Chrome Vulnerability No. 5 for 2022 - WST
August 18, 2022
The fifth Google Chrome zero-day vulnerability of 2022 has been disclosed. Automatic update patches are being pushed out in stages, but anyone can manually update now...
Continue readingSign, Sign, Everywhere A Sign - WST
August 11, 2022
Blockin’ out the scenery, breakin’ my mind. Do this, don’t do that – Can’t you read the sign?...
Continue readingDon't Post That Pic! - WST
August 4, 2022
A little advice on oversharing sensitive personal information this week....
Continue readingTrain your employees how to be mean...(it's not what you think!) - WST
July 14, 2022
Overall, most people are friendly by nature, and it’s socially awkward to NOT hold the door open for someone. Unfortunately, bad actors know this....
Continue readingChange Control - The Whys and the Whats - WST
July 7, 2022
Change Management is the process of managing the integrity, and availability of your IT environment (e.g., hardware, software, firmware) when modifications are introduced....
Continue readingTop 8 ways to have a safe and happy Independence Day! - WST
June 30, 2022
While you are out enjoying your 4th of July holiday, here are a few tips to keep in mind....
Continue readingElder Financial Exploitation - WST
June 23, 2022
Sadly, we’ve all seen, heard, or read articles regarding the proliferation of scams during the past two years. I would venture to guess that most of you are like me....
Continue readingMemory Lane - WST
June 16, 2022
As 10-D is approaching our 18th year and it has fallen to me to write the WST this week....
Continue readingAvatar and Flood Insurance Compliance – Two Types of Blues - WST
June 9, 2022
In mid-May 2022, five regulatory agencies jointly issued revised Q&As regarding federal flood insurance laws and implementing regulations....
Continue readingNew Zero-Day Vulnerability Affecting Microsoft Products - WST
June 2, 2022
On May 30, Microsoft reported a zero-day vulnerability in the Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool (MSDT)....
Continue readingAre You Still On Track? - WST
May 26, 2022
Can you believe it, we are almost halfway through 2022! By now you should have most all your compliance/security assessments, audits, and reviews scheduled for the year....
Continue readingDo Your Backups Match Your Expectations? - WST
May 19, 2022
A previous WST described what a business impact analysis (BIA) is and how it’s a key component of your business continuity program and disaster recovery....
Continue readingAre You Sure That Laptop is Secured? - WST
May 12, 2022
One of the many areas we look at when conducting an IT audit is the security of portable devices, including laptops. With the proliferation of laptops that are now enabling so many remote workers....
Continue readingRisk Assessments vs. Audit - WST
May 5, 2022
From time to time, we are asked “Why do we need to do a risk assessment? Isn’t that the same as an audit?” Since the terms are sometimes used interchangeably, we thought we’d talk through these foundational concepts....
Continue readingSecurity Exception Tracking - WST
April 28th, 2022
In even the most rigorously managed networks or systems, there’s always some exception to security policies that must be allowed at some point. Maybe it’s a critical operational need, maybe it’s a temporary issue during a big rollout, maybe something new has cropped up and the rules need to be bent for little bit to keep the wheels rolling…it happens....
Continue readingPandemic Planning in the Endemic State - WST
April 21st, 2022
I believe we can all agree that nothing prepares us more than having to deal with a Business Continuity Management event than an actual event. We can always derive better plans through results from testing and actual events. President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s take was: “[I] have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.” At the very least, having a plan gives us a jumping off point....
Continue readingPen Testing Guide - WST
April 14th, 2022
We regularly field questions about testing methodology and examiner expectations. And while some of our answers can be very specific to your network and institution, the foundational concepts carry through to all...
Continue readingMoving Patch Management to the Front Burner - WST
April 6th, 2022
As tensions mount in Europe, our clients have reached out for advice on how to counter the possibility of foreign attacks. A few weeks ago, we released helpful tips related to strengthening security fundamentals, https://10dsecurity.com/wst/cybersecurity-fundamentals.html. As we continue to bolster our defenses, now is a great time to schedule any delinquent patch management across your environment. Patching efforts should include...
Continue readingSpring Cleaning: Digital Dust Bunnies - WST
March 31st, 2022
Spring has officially sprung! If you are like us, you are swapping out closets with lighter clothing, and beginning an annual “spring cleaning” of the home. But why stop there at the house? What about peeking into your virtual closets to see if there are digital dust bunnies ready to be swept away? If it has...
Continue readingLock the Doors! Understanding and Securing Your Systems - WST
March 24th, 2022
Government agencies continue to warn of potential cyberattacks targeting US entities related to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Just this week, President Biden and the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) warned...
Continue readingTough Love, Scared Straight - WST
March 17th, 2022
This week we have a blog post where Mike Smith supplies some tough love and straight talk on securing Microsoft 365, and why it’s important to enable multi-factor authentication and disable insecure protocols that don’t support it...
Continue readingRed Flags on Potential Russian Sanctions Evasion Attempts - WST
March 10th, 2022
On March 7, 2022, FinCEN issued an alert advising all financial institutions to be vigilant against potential efforts to evade U.S. imposed sanctions and restrictions implemented in connection with the Russian Federation’s invasion of Ukraine. The Office of Foreign Assets Control has...
Continue readingProtecting Non-Public Personal Information - WST
March 3rd, 2022
Back in 1999, when Michael Jordan was enjoying his second retirement and everyone was freaking out about Y2K, Congress passed the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA), which ensured the safeguarding of consumer non-public personal information (NPI). The GLBA dictates what...
Continue readingDirSync, AD Sync, Azure AD Connect - WST
February 24th, 2022
Here at 10-D Security, we are constantly updating our Microsoft Security Review services to keep up with changes that Microsoft makes to everything from the placement of configuration controls in administrative consoles to...
Continue readingWanted: Information Security Officer - WST
February 17th, 2022
Looking for a new Information Security Officer? What skill sets should be considered? As information security professionals, we are often asked by our clients about...
Continue readingBackups and Testing Backups - WST
February 10th, 2022
We hope everyone is enjoying the new year so far and wish everyone well in their endeavors for the remainder of 2022. Here’s a friendly note on the subject of backups. It is the guidance and typically the examiner’s expectation that ...
Continue readingCybersecurity Fundamentals - WST
Feruary 3rd, 2022
With the growing geopolitical instability in the world today, now would be a great time to review security fundamentals. If you are looking for ways to sharpen the tools in your cyber defense toolbox, here is a list of suggestions...
Continue readingMake your passwords stronger with a simple trick! - WST
January 27th, 2022
Last week, we mentioned the dangers of reusing passwords across multiple services. Now, we would like to tell you how you can make your passwords stronger to prevent...
Continue readingReusing passwords is (always) a very bad idea! - WST
January 20th, 2022
Since high profile breaches involving user credentials (usernames and passwords) continue to occur, we thought we’d revisit what the bad actors do with this information, provide ways you can help protect yourself, and point you to a tool that alerts if your email address has been included in a breach...
Continue readingWho Got The Keys - WST
January 13th, 2022
Would you let someone else be in charge of your house keys? How about the keys to the front door of your business? ...
Continue reading2022 Security & Compliance Check List - WST
January 6th, 2022
Where did 2021 go? Happy New Year’s All! It is time to take a close look at your 2022 schedule to make sure the critical elements of your information security and compliance programs are mapped out...
Continue readingYear-End BSA/AML Happenings - WST
December 27th, 2021
Just like Santa has had a busy month, so too have the financial regulators! During December, changes to the FFIEC BSA Examination Manual have been issued, a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) concerning beneficial ownership has been published, and a Request for Information has been posted seeking comments for changes to BSA regulations.....
Continue readingLog4j vulnerability - WST
December 22nd, 2021
If you have been on the internet at any point in the last couple weeks, you have no doubt heard about the log4j (Log4Shell, CVE-2021-44228) vulnerability making waves through the consumer and enterprise environment. To help underscore the seriousness of the issue, note that.....
Continue readingBuilding Blocks of a Business Impact Analysis - WST
December 16th, 2021
An organization’s Business Impact Analysis (BIA) is an important component of any Business Continuity Plan. A strong BIA allows an organization to effectively prioritize resources when designing your continuity structure, processes, and equipment. BIA development generally involves .....
Continue readingIllicit Consent - WST
December 9th, 2021
Let’s face it, most of us click “accept” without thinking about it. We install software, and don’t read the EULA. We just click “Accept.” We install an app on our.....
Continue readingWhere to find training expectations in guidance - WST
December 2nd, 2021
This week’s WST was inspired by a client asking, “What information IT/Information Security training should we do?” The easy answer is that all institutions must perform annual information security awareness training. However, we went spelunking through.....
Continue readingAnticipation and Thanksgiving - WST
November 24th, 2021
As an auditor, I am sometimes reminded, either directly or indirectly, that I am pessimistic, and have been described as “negative” at times. Well, yeah! Although I .....
Continue readingFirewall Management - WST
November 18th, 2021
It’s always a good time for a refresher on some best practices and expectations for firewall management. Here are some concepts that should be observed while managing firewalls:......
Continue readingPossible FedLine Assurance Attestation Extension - WST
November 12th, 2021
Did you run out of time to get your FedLine® Assurance Program attestation performed before the end of the year? Well, there may be some relief.......
Continue readingMulti-Factor Authentication – Stronger Security, but Training is Key - WST
November 5th, 2021
Back in the good old days, Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) seemed like a silver bullet. “If only we got MFA enabled on email/VPN/etc., we can stop worrying about that high-risk service!” The industry .......
Continue readingOnsite Social Engineering: Up Close and Personal - WST
October 14th, 2021
Most everyone is aware of phishing, vishing, and other forms of electronic social engineering. It’s important to remember that social engineering can occur in-person as well. Responding appropriately in these situations can be an important part of an organization’s security stance.......
Continue readingMore Grim News from the Pandemic - WST
October 7th, 2021
According to a recent release from FinCEN, there has been a 147 percent increase in online child sexual exploitation (OCSE) between 2017 and 2020, including a 17 percent increase year-over-year in 2020. These......
Continue readingCybersecurity Awareness Month - WST
September 30th, 2021
Tomorrow is October and it’s Cybersecurity Awareness Month! For the 18th year, we’ll mark a national month to raise awareness about the importance of cybersecurity and how to be more ......
Continue readingWeekly Security Tidbits - WST
September 23rd, 2021
Sometimes all the little things add up …. And such is the case for today’s Weekly Security Tip! Check out the following tidbits, Help Wanted, Cannabis Banking is One Step Closer to Being Legal, Padcast Anyone......
Continue readingFinCEN National AML/CFT Priorities - WST
September 16th, 2021
On June 30, 2021, FinCEN, in consultation with other US Dept of the Treasury offices, relevant regulators, law enforcement, and national security agencies, released the first government-wide priorities for anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) policy (the “Priorities”)......
Continue readingThe R Word - WST
September 9th, 2021
It’s always in the back of your mind. In 2021, it is on the news almost weekly. It’s no surprise there is a 185% jump in attacks in the first half of this year, as compared to the first half of 2020.....
Continue readingCISA list of Bad Practices - WST
September 2nd, 2021
The Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) released a statement on adding single-factor authentication to its list of bad practices that are exceptionally risky. See .....
Continue readingRemember your Service Accounts - WST
August 26th, 2021
Most organizations have some type of onboarding/offboarding process they use when handling staff changes. When a new person joins the team, there’s a process for getting.....
Continue readingManaged Service Provider Oversight - WST
August 19th, 2021
Many financial institutions outsource some or all of their Information Technology operations and management to third-party organizations, commonly known as.....
Continue readingManaging Core User Access Risk - WST
August 12th, 2021
There is no question the core system is a high-risk adventure for every financial institution. This is why user access reviews have been an important part of managing this risk. The process of .....
Continue readingIT Staff Augmentation - WST
August 5th, 2021
Are you keeping up on IT and Information Security work? Great! What if business is growing, and you’re starting to think “We are working a little too much to keep.....
Continue readingCloud Policy - WST
July 29th, 2021
Cloud services are nothing more than infrastructure, software, or platforms hosted outside your data centers. If you have anything – core applications, email, SIEM, mobile banking.....
Continue readingEvacuation Plans and Non-Employees - WST
July 22nd, 2021
Undoubtedly, your institution has an evacuation plan that covers many scenarios, including but not limited to weather, active shooter, civil disturbance, and others. What do you.....
Continue readingOverly Permissive Access - WST
July 14th, 2021
Recently, the United States Supreme Court issued a decision where all nine justices found in favor of former Georgia police sergeant Nathan Van Buren and levied an opinion affecting the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986.....
Continue readingCannabis Banking Series – Continued - Policy Framework - WST
July 8th, 2021
As more states legalize medical and/or recreational use of marijuana, your institution will need assistance to navigate the various aspects of cannabis-related businesses (CRBs). While still illegal at ....
Continue readingNow Available: FFIEC Architecture, Infrastructure, and Operations Booklet - WST
July 1st, 2021
On Wednesday, June 30, the FFIEC released a significantly updated operations booklet called the Architecture, Infrastructure, and Operations Booklet . This new AIO Booklet replaces....
Continue readingMini-Series 5 of 5
The Best things to do with Microsoft 365 - Manage your email security - WST
June 24th, 2021
Here are some simple steps that can be taken to improve your security posture as it pertains to malware and email....
Continue readingMini-Series 4 of 5
The best things to do with Microsoft 365 – Other Security Controls - WST
June 17th, 2021
We continue our series on basic and helpful security tips for your Microsoft 365 instance. Keep in mind, some of these tips require 365 Business Premium or Enterprise subscriptions, and can be configured in multiple locations, including Conditional Access policies ...
Continue readingSome Attention May Be required – WST
June 10th, 2021
Vulnerabilities affecting three widely-used platforms are demanding some attention in this week's WST...
Continue readingMini-Series 3 of 5
The Best things to do with Microsoft 365 – Privileged Accounts - WST
June 3rd, 2021
We continue our series on basic and helpful security tips for your Microsoft 365 instance. Keep in mind, some of these tips require 365 Business Premium or Enterprise subscriptions, and can be configured in multiple locations, including ...
Continue readingCannabis Banking Risk Assessment - Tips from the 10-D Hotbox - WST
May 27th, 2021
MMFA is the single-most impactful thing you can do to improve the security posture of ANY application accessed by users. It doesn’t matter if it’s hosted internally, in the cloud, only accessible from your domain, or...
Continue readingMini-Series 2 of 5
The Best things to do with Microsoft 365 – Access and Authentication - WST
May 20th, 2021
MMFA is the single-most impactful thing you can do to improve the security posture of ANY application accessed by users. It doesn’t matter if it’s hosted internally, in the cloud, only accessible from your domain, or...
Continue readingMini-Series 1 of 5
The Best things to do with Microsoft 365 – Microsoft Secure Score - WST
May 13th, 2021
Most small- to medium-sized institutions don’t have a full-time employee available to devote to Microsoft 365 administration and security. If you are the person spinning about...
Continue readingDocument Sharing Services - WST
May 6th, 2021
Financial institutions often have a requirement to receive documents from customers, including financial statements, tax documents, and other types of information critical...
Continue readingProtect you Organization's Online Presence - WST
April 29th, 2021
Nearly all organizations maintain more than just a website when it comes to their online presence. Social media is a convenient, ubiquitous way for businesses to maintain and build a...
Continue readingCannabis Banking Series - Is Cannabis Right for Your Institution? - WST
April 22th, 2021
Another 4.20 has come and gone, and for many institutions it means another year of puffing and passing the cannabis can down the road. A short blurb in your policy stating...
Continue readingDisaster Recovery Failback - WST
April 15th, 2021
Many financial institutions have developed extremely detailed disaster recovery (DR) / business continuity (BC) plans. Those plans normally...
Continue readingBSA - Upcoming Changes and Challenges - WST
April 8th, 2021
As Americans we often see the United States as the constant leader on a global scale - be it in athletic competitions, industry, military strength, or just...
Continue readingWorkstations and DR Plans - WST
April 1st, 2021
You’ve just put the final touches on the latest revision to your corporate Disaster Recovery plan. You have made arrangements to...
Continue readingAudit and Examination Tips - WST
March 25th, 2021
Here are some helpful tips for audit and examination preparation to hopefully make the process go smoother for your institution and...
Continue readingWhere’s Your Data? - WST
March 18th, 2021
Many organizations have opted to move some IT functions to the cloud. Sales management, off-site backups, document management, file sharing, and others are among...
Continue readingMozilla Firefox Monitor - WST
March 11th, 2021
With the number of breaches that seem to occur each year it can be difficult to keep track of where your data may have ...
Continue readingMicrosoft Exchange Server - Patch Now! - WST
March 4th, 2021
On Tuesday, March 2, 2021, Microsoft released out-of-band advisories detailing serious vulnerabilities in...
Continue readingFedLine Security and Resiliency Assurance Program - WST
February 26th, 2021
Beginning 2021, institutions that utilize FedLine services (FedLine Web, FedLine Advantage, FedLine Command, and FedLine Direct) must conduct an...
Continue readingDo you Overshare? - WST
February 18th, 2021
Have you ever been in the grocery store check-out line and heard the person in front of you recite their entire life history while they're checking...
Continue readingNetworks Need Vaccinations Too! - WST
February 11th, 2021
As we watch the first COVID-19 vaccinations roll out to those who need it most, it got this particular Security Engineer thinking about how vaccinations...
Continue readingRansomware - There's a Tool for That - WST
February 4th, 2021
In a previous WST, you may have noticed a bulleted item for a Ransomware Self-Assessment Tool (R SAT). Or you may not have. Regardless, it's...
Continue readingThe Scope of SARs - Something Old and Something New - WST
January 28th, 2021
Did you know that filing Suspicious Activity Reports, or SARs, is not limited to ...
Continue readingIn with the new year, out with the Flash - WST
January 20th, 2021
The writing has been on the wall for a while now regarding Adobe Flash Player, ...
Continue readingBack to Basics: Understanding Risk Concepts - WST
January 15th, 2021
People often make judgements and decisions about risk. Modern technology environments are complex and pervasive ...
Continue reading2021 Security & Compliance Checklist - WST
January 7th, 2021
Yep, another year has flown by and a new year is here. Now is a great time to take a close look at your 2021 schedule...
Continue readingSolarWinds and the Big Hack - WST
December 17th, 2020
Well, hacking is certainly in the news this week! We initially resisted adding to the cacophony of news stories and email alerts flooding your inbox, ...
Continue readingCannabis-Banking: Movement on the Hill - WST
December 10th, 2020
While Congress may not be making much progress passing a second COVID stimulus relief bill, something historic did happen in Washington D.C. last Friday...
Continue readingFile Share Permissions - WST
November 6th, 2020
During our IT audits, we consistently find file shares containing sensitive information with poor access restrictions. Most of the time, the super sensitive...
Continue readingBudge-IT - WST
October 8th, 2020
It’s October and for many that means it is budget time. Or, did you assume it will just be a part of IT’s budget? According...
Continue readingBrowser Password Storage Thoughts - WST
October 1st, 2020
Browser Password Storage Thoughts - WST There is some risk when allowing a user’s browser to remember passwords. If a bad actor gets access to a machine, they...
Continue readingFighting the Good Fight - WST
September 24th, 2020
Earlier this month, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) put out a cryptic statement regarding the unlawful disclosures of suspicious activity reports (SARs). According to FinCEN, various media outlets were intending to publish a series of articles based on...
Continue readingIT Asset Management-Secure your environment and save money too! - WST
September 17th, 2020
Do you keep an accurate and up-to-date inventory of your IT assets? If not, you may be wasting money and decreasing your overall IT security posture. One of the most important aspects of managing your IT environment is...
Continue readingIncrease in Cybercrime During COVID-19 - WST
September 3rd, 2020
As the pandemic continues to rage on, we’ve discovered some of the hardest working people during this time are fraudsters and scammers who never seem to be impacted by high unemployment rates. According to a recent FinCEN Advisory...
Continue readingDon’t Let OneDrive Mess up your Vulnerability Scan! - WST
September 3rd, 2020
Recently, many of our clients have had significant increases in the number of vulnerabilities found during their Internal Vulnerability Scans. One of the primary reasons for this is...
Continue readingDon’t Suffer from Alert Fatigue – WST
August 20th, 2020
We live in a busy, and often stressful world. With most of us carrying around at least one always-connected device, we...
Continue readingDMZ - WST
August 7th, 2020
Much like the contested area that separates two foreign powers that do not trust each other, a network DMZ is a place where you...
Continue readingAdobe Flash is almost done - WST
July 28th, 2020
Adobe will stop distributing and updating Flash Player after December 31, 2020. We shouldn’t be surprised by this...
Continue readingDon't Let Urgency Lead to Insecurity, Part 2 - WST
April 29th, 2020
We wanted to expand on our WST about securing remote access from a few weeks ago with some additional...
Continue readingKeep Yourself from being Roasted - WST
April 9th, 2020
First an attacker must use the initial user account they compromised to scan Active Directory for accounts with a SPN (Service Principal ...
Continue readingComplaint Management Programs - More Important Now Than Ever -WST
April 7th, 2020
Chances are that a Consumer Complaint Management Program review has become a key part of your most recent ...
Continue readingDon't Let Urgency Lead to Insecurity-WST
March 31st, 2020
Across the country, institutions are finding themselves dusting off almost forgotten pandemic plans and quickly trying to adjust to new...
Continue readingAttackers are Opportunistic, Keep New Remote Users Safe - WST
March 19th, 2020
As institutions and companies around the world scramble to support a new or enlarged remote workforce, we are already seeing attackers...
Continue readingCOVID-19 Is your Pandemic Plan ready? - WST
February 28th, 2020
You already have a rock-solid pandemic plan, right? Of course you do. But given the current coronavirus (COVID-19) news, it...
Continue readingWe Accept the Risk - WST
February 20th, 2020
Risk. The hot potato of any organization. There are so many options of what to do with a risk potato once it's ...
Continue readingInfosec Blocking and Tackling - Vulnerability Management - WST
February 20th, 2020
Vulnerability management! Now there is a sexy subject. Managing the various vulnerabilities in your environment (which is generally a lot ...
Continue readingUpgrading 2008 R2 Domain Controllers - WST
June 27th, 2019
With Microsoft ending support for Windows Server 2008 R2 on January 14, 2020, related anxiety-induced reluctance and procrastination are completely understandable ...
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