Marketing has done a great job with your institution’s website, which serves as the anchor for your social media and Internet presence.
So how do you know all of the language, links and pictures that make up your website meet regulatory requirements? Did you know there are close to 15 regulations that may apply to your website? Most institutions do not have the proper resources needed for a comprehensive look at their website compliance.
Our Website Compliance Audit will thoroughly examine your website and make sure it is compliant of current regulations, as well as report back any functionality issues which may be found.
During the review the following areas are looked at:
- General Information
- Advertising
- Layout
- Accurate information
- Ease of use
- Links that work
- Logical flow
- Company relations
- Copyrights, Trademarks, Service Marks
- Online Privacy Protection (GLBA)
- Equal Credit Opportunity Act (Regulation B)
- Community Reinvestment Act (Regulation BB)
- Truth in Savings Act (Regulation DD)
- Consumer Leasing (Regulation M)
- Truth In Lending Act (Regulation Z)
- Deposit Insurance Rules
- Fair Housing Act
- Bank Insurance Sales Rules (Non-Deposit Investment Products)
- Web Linking – Third Party Relationships
- E-Sign, Electronic Disclosures (E-Sign Act, Section 101(c))
- Human Resources – Employment Postings (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission)
- Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)
- Terms of Use Disclosure
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Compliance (HIPAA)
- Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 (Preliminary Assessment of Most Common ADA Accessibility Problems)
Our Website/Advertising Compliance Audit includes all of the web pages and content. The review will look at the following components of the website:
- Language
- Navigational Links
- Downloadable Material
- Email Links
- Pictures
- Calculators

The 10-D Compliance Difference
- We have nationwide experience with ALL types and sizes of institutions.
- Our professionals have compliance backgrounds and understand the regulatory requirements.
- We provide concise, professional, and easy to read reports delivered promptly.
You would benefit from a 10-D
Website Compliance Audit if
- You have a corporate Internet website outlining services and products.
- You are subject to regulations, such as GLBA, HIPAA, SOX or PCI.
- You have not had a comprehensive website compliance review within the last 12 months.