It's a complex process to manage website compliance requirements and even more rigorous for financial institutions. It's necessary to balance website Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance with meeting industry-specific standards like GLBA, HIPAA, SOX, or PCI. Our information technology (IT) professionals at 10-D Security have the training and expertise to thoroughly audit bank websites and present a comprehensive report.
The Service
There are around 15 regulations that apply to websites and directly impact your website's function, digital media like files or pictures, and marketing messaging. Yet, many financial institutions do not have the time or resources to properly assess their website's regulatory compliance.
Our Website Compliance Review will provide an in-depth overview of your site's compliance and user-experience functionality with general standards and industry-specific regulations.
General information
Our audit will gauge your compliance with user-experience and advertising standards. This review will look for:
- Advertising
- Layout
- Accurate information
- Ease of use
- Links that work
- Logical flow
- Company relations
Industry-Specific Website Regulations
In the next phase, we'll review your ability to meet standards relevant to your financial institution across a wide variety of distinct regulatory standards:
- Copyrights, Trademarks, Service Marks
- Online Privacy Protection (GLBA)
- Equal Credit Opportunity Act (Regulation B)
- Community Reinvestment Act (Regulation BB)
- Truth in Savings Act (Regulation DD)
- Consumer Leasing (Regulation M)
- Truth In Lending Act (Regulation Z)
- Deposit Insurance Rules
- Fair Housing Act
- Bank Insurance Sales Rules (Non-Deposit Investment Products)
- Web Linking - Third Party Relationships
- E-Sign, Electronic Disclosures (E-Sign Act, Section 101(c))
- Human Resources - Employment Postings (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission)
- Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)
- Terms of Use Disclosure
- Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 (Preliminary Assessment of Most Common ADA Accessibility Problems)
The Scope of Work
Our review of your bank website will include your website's technical aspects and digital media. When you choose to partner with 10-D for a website audit, we'll review the following components of your website:
- Language
- Navigational links
- Downloadable material
- Email links
- Pictures
- Calculators
Contact 10-D Today for Website Compliance Review Services
10-D is an independent professional services firm specializing in security, compliance, and educational services for financial institutions nationwide. We understand how to help companies meet bank website compliance standards with the finest audit services from experienced professionals.
Ready to take the next step toward a more compliant website? Reach out to 10-D today for a quote and benefit from website audit services you can trust.

The 10-D Security Difference
- We have nationwide experience with ALL types and sizes of institutions.
- Our professionals have compliance backgrounds and understand the regulatory requirements.
- We provide concise, professional, and easy to read reports delivered promptly.
You would benefit from a 10-D
Website Compliance Review if
- You have a corporate Internet website outlining services and products.
- You are subject to regulations, such as GLBA, HIPAA, SOX or PCI.
- You have not had a comprehensive website compliance review within the last 12 months.